MidWeeks Return!

MidWeeks are back!!! MidWeeks are returning, Wednesday, March 5th, at 7 pm! Adults will be meeting in the sanctuary, students will be meeting in the next steps room, and kids will be meeting in the family center. Doors open at 6:45, so invite your friends and don't be late! 



Women's Night

March 21st at 7 pm is Women's Night! Join us for a great night of worship and come hear the word Pastor Sarah has prepared for us. 



Men's Breakfast

Men’s Breakfast takes place on the first Saturday of every month at 8:30 am at Coffee in the Valley. The sign-up sheet is in the foyer!





Legacy Luncheon

Legacy Luncheon takes place on the second Monday of every month @ 11:30 am! The cost is $5 per person and the sign up is available in the foyer.



Mark Your Calendars!

Lots of things are happening at ClearView and we don't want you to miss out! If you have any questions about the events feel free to contact us. We would love to hear from you!